
Pinto beans | Healthiest Foods

The pinto bean is a variety of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris).It is the most popular bean in the United States and northwestern Mexico,and is most often eaten whole (sometimes in broth), or mashed and then refried. Either way, it is a common filling for burritos in Mexican cuisine. Additionally, the young immature pods may be harvested and cooked as green pinto beans,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10   PINTO BEANS WITH HAM HOCKS RECIPE,More info:thehungryhutch


#9   Frijoles Charros (Mexican Pinto Beans With Bacon and Chilies) Recipe,More info:seriouseats


#8   Pinto Bean & Andouille Sausage Stew,More info:eatingwell


#7    STEWED PINTO BEANS,More info:preciouscore


#6   Make Bart van Olphen’s pinto beans with cod,More info:foodism


#5   Southern Crock Pot Pinto Beans With Ham Hocks,More info:thespruceeats


#4   African Stewed Pinto Beans With Rice,More info:afrovitalityeats


#3    Cantina Pinto Beans,More info:tasteofhome


#2    Mexican Pinto Beans,More info:theblackpeppercorn


#1    Refried Pinto Beans,More info:pulses


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