
Casein paint | Art materials materials

It generally has a glue-like consistency, but can be thinned with water to the degree that fits a particular artist’s style and desired result. It can be used on canvas panels, illustration boards, paper, wood and masonite. Because the dried paint film is inflexible and brittle, it is not appropriate to be applied in heavy impastos on flexible supports such as canvas. Canvas laminated to board is more suitable. Casein paint is reworkable and can be used for underpainting. It generally dries to a matte finish,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10     The National Society of Painters in Casein & Acrylic Award for Casein Painting – $1000,More info:nationalsocietyofpaintersincaseinandacrylic


#9    Nathan’s Casein and Oil Painting Sketchbook Blog,More info:oilandcasein.blogspot


#8   Discover ideas about Mona Lisa,More info:pinterest


#7    Casein Painting in the Wild,More info:cubebrush


#6   Maryn Hunzeker “Explorers” Original Casein Painting c.1960$850,More info:chairish


#5   Spanish street scene by Ludwig Bemelmans (Fr./Am., 1898-1962) will headline Bruneau & Co.’s April 14th auction,More info:artfixdaily


#4   Maryn Hunzeker “Explorers” Original Casein Painting c.1960,More info:rubylane


#3  amy huddleston in progress. Casein on panel. 4×4 ft,More info:flickr


#2   Len Guggenberger– The Richeson/Shiva Award for Casein Painting – $500 Art Materials,More info:nationalsocietyofpaintersincaseinandacrylic


#1    Casein Painting in the Wild,More info:cubebrush


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