
Pumpkin seed | Healthiest Foods

pumpkin seed, also known as a pepita , is the edible seed of a pumpkin or certain other cultivars of squash. The seeds are typically rather flat and asymmetrically oval, and light green in color and may have a white outer hull. Some cultivars are hulless, and are grown only for their seed. The seeds are nutrient-rich, with especially high content of protein, dietary fiber and numerous micronutrients. The word can refer either to the hulled kernel or unhulled whole seed, and most commonly refers to the roasted end product,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10   Basic Roasted Pumpkin Seeds With Variations,More info:thespruceeats

When you carve your jack-o’-lantern or cut up your pumpkin to make purée for pumpkin pie, make sure you save the seeds! Pumpkin seeds can be toasted or roasted for tasty snacks. Just scrape the seeds out when you cut the pumpkin and clean them.

#9   Easy Roasted Pumpkin Seeds Recipe,More info:inspiredtaste


#8    Cinnamon-Brown Sugar Pumpkin Seeds,More info:foodandwine


#7     Sweet and Spicy Pumpkin Seeds,More info:marthastewart

Pumpkin seeds must be completely dried out in the oven before combining with spices. Whether for cooking or carving, choose an unblemished pumpkin that feels heavy for its size; it will store well, uncarved, at room temperature, for up to a month.

#6   Cinnamon Toast Pumpkin Seeds,More info:fountainavenuekitchen

As we were picking pumpkins last weekend, my older son commented that this may be his last year carving pumpkins.  I firmly believe that one is never too old to carve pumpkins, but next year he will likely be in college during our annual family ritual.  (Boo hoo!)

I’m pretty sure there will be a care package sent to wherever he ends up (he’s just starting to work on the applications) that includes a batch of roasted seeds.  The classic salted version has been a favorite fall snack at our house for years.  More recently, we’ve also enjoyed a lightly sweet alternative.

For several years, I used my Spiced Pecan recipe as the starting point, thinking that a simple swap of nuts for seeds would be a sure thing.  After a little tweaking, I ended up with a snack that we enjoyed, but it wasn’t quite worthy of sharing.  And then I had an idea…

Cinnamon Toast Crunch was my brother’s favorite childhood cereal–the box he chose when we were occasionally allowed to buy something sugary.  Then main appeal of the little squares was their cinnamon-sugar coating.  It was dry and granular, suggesting the cereal was tossed in the mixture after cooking, as any sugar added before baking–as I had done until now with the pumpkin seeds–would melt in the heat of the oven.

#5   Rosemary-Brown Sugar Pumpkin Seeds,More info:foodandwine


#4   Cauliflower With Pumpkin Seeds, Brown Butter, and Lime,More info:epicurious


#3   What are the health benefits of pumpkin seeds?,More info:medicalnewstoday


#2   Winter Slaw with Red Pears and Pumpkin Seeds,More info:bonappetit


#1   Summer Corn and Quinoa Salad with Pumpkin Seeds and Lime,More info:vegetariantimes


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