

hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the eulipotyphlan family Erinaceidae. There are seventeen species of hedgehog in five genera found through parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in New Zealand by introduction. There are no hedgehogs native to Australia and no living species native to the Americas (the extinct genus Amphechinus was once present in North America),More info:wiki

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#10    4 Things You Need to Know About Pet Hedgehogs Before Adopting One,More info:goodhousekeeping

Petting a happy hedgehog is a bit like affectionately stroking a bristly hairbrush. Attempting to pet an upset hedgehog is more like trying to soothe a wriggly cactus of doom.

That’s the answer to the most common question I get when people learn I’m caretaker to a hedgehog: What do they feel like? That’s followed closely by asking why I have such an unusual pet.

So, why do I have a pet hedgehog? Initially, I decided to look for a pet that I could cuddle, but that didn’t make me sneeze. But now it goes beyond my allergies and has become an ongoing nightly lesson in slowing down, dimming the lights, and being a bit more calm in this fast-paced world.

People do debate whether hedgehogs should be kept as pets. Wild animals should stay wild, the argument goes. Others note that cats and dogs were wild once, and domestication has to start somewhere. If you’re considering adopting a pet hedgehog, it’s important to know about — and accomodate — their habits in the wild.

#9    Pet Hedgehogs,More info:thesprucepets

Pet hedgehogs are unique animals so they also make unique pets. Not only do they eat a very different type of food when compared to other pocket pets, but they are covered with tiny little spikes and roll into balls when scared. Sonic the hedgehog may have been all blue and cool in the Sega video games but the real animals have their own special appeal that only hedgehog lovers can understand.

#8   2nd February, 2019 will be…Hedgehog Day,More info:daysoftheyear


#7   Where to see hedgehogs in the UK | Wild Britain,More info:The Telegraph


#6   The Internet’s New Best Friend Is a Hedgehog Who Loves to Camp,More info:time


#5  Hedgehogs,More info: independent


#4   Hedgehog Names – 200 Amazing Ideas for Naming Your Prickly Pal,More info:squeaksandnibbles


#3   Eight ways to help hedgehogs,More info:saga

Hedgehogs are a much-loved character in the British countryside and they were once a familiar sight. However, you might have noticed that you don’t see hedgehogs as often as you did in your childhood.

In fact, hedgehogs had an estimated population of 30 million in Britain in the 1950s. By 1995, the population was estimated to have fallen to just 1.5 million*, and in the last ten years they have declined by a further 30% – a startling drop in numbers.

The cause of hedgehog decline is unclear, but it is likely to be down to a number of reasons. More intensive agriculture, loss of hedgerows and grassland, pesticide use, habitat loss and smaller, tidier gardens may have all played a role in the species’ falling numbers.

#2   European hedgehog,More info:wikipedia


#1   The Hedgehog Concept Using the Power of Simplicity to Succeed,More info:mindtools


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