

Herring often move in large schools around fishing banks and near the coast. The most abundant and commercially important species belong to the genus Clupea, found particularly in shallow, temperate waters of the North Pacific and the North Atlantic oceans, including the Baltic Sea, as well as off the west coast of South America. Three species of Clupea are recognised, and provide about 90% of all herrings captured in fisheries. Most abundant of all is the Atlantic herring, providing over half of all herring capture. Fishes called herring are also found in the Arabian Sea, Indian Ocean, and Bay of Bengal,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like:

#10    Tasty, nutritious and sustainable – new herring season gets underway!,More info:ukmackerel


#9  herring  ,More info:pacificrim-group

Herring, is a species of fish associated with the Pacific Ocean environment of North America and northeast Asia. It is a silvery fish with unspined fins and a deeply forked caudal fin.

Having been a staple food source since at least 3000 B.C., there are numerous ways the herring is served and many regional recipes: eaten raw, fermented,, or cured by other techniques, such as being smoked as kippers. Herring are very high in the long-chain Omega-3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA. They are a source of vitamin D.

Pacific herring are currently managed as five major and two minor stock areas. Accordingly, catch and survey information is collected independently for each of these seven areas and science advice is provided on the same scale.
The precautionary approach is one component of the sustainable fisheries framework and precautionary limits are established to ensure that harvest proceeds in a sustainable manner and that sufficient biomass is available to replenish the stocks on an ongoing basis.

#8    Cut bait: Regulators move to slash Atlantic herring catch ,More info:nationalfisherman

The New England Fishery Management Council voted this week to approve a new management approach to the region’s Atlantic herring fishery that will significantly scale back catch limits for the species over the next three years.

Based on the council’s latest stock assessment, recruitment numbers were lower than the previous low point in the 1970s when record catches essentially wiped out the fishing. Assessments show that recruitment numbers have been well below average for the species since 2013.

The regulation change, called Amendment 8, has been in the works for several years. The herring committee created nine alternatives for the management plan, ranging from taking no action on the previous management plan to a 50-nautical-mile prohibition on all midwater trawling gear.

#7    Exvessel value for Togiak sac roe herring fishery estimated at $1.65 million,More info:kdlg

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game released its 2018 Togiak Herring Season Summary on Monday, looking back on the season’s harvest and estimating the exvessel value. Bad weather and rough seas drug out the season for the state’s largest herring fishery, but fishermen were still able to take the full quota.

“My guess is we would, in a normal season, have the processing capability to take the whole quota within seven days or so,” said ADF&G area management biologist, Tim Sands. “It took us 11 or 12 days [this year].”

Even though it took longer than normal, the 20 participating seiners brought in 16,829 tons of herring. That came to 98 percent of the quota set by ADF&G.

ADF&G projects that fishermen will receive $100 per ton of herring, which would bring the total exvessel value of the fishery this year to about $1.65 million. That figure is based on an advance price estimate and does not include postseason adjustments.

#6   Red Herring: The Tons of Fish That Are Caught But Not Eaten,More info:newsdeeply

Most anchovies and herring commercially fished in California end up as fishmeal or bait, not on dinner plates. Now there’s a movement to get people to eat, not waste, small fish, and that could help preserve bigger species.

SAN FRANCISCO – On a drizzly January morning in the bay, amid a clustering of moored ocean liners and warehouse piers, the crew of a small commercial fishing boat guides a gill net over the stern. As a large winch reels in the mesh, thousands of 6-inch (15 cm) silvery fish rain on to the deck until the boat’s crew, in slickers and boots, are standing ankle-deep in Pacific herring. The catch will be offloaded and sold at Fisherman’s Wharf, several miles north along the San Francisco waterfront, and the boat will soon return for more.

There are plenty of fish to catch, for this is the spawning season of the herring. Each winter, hundreds of millions of the fish enter San Francisco Bay to lay and fertilize their eggs on rocks, pier pilings, kelp and sunken debris, and virtually every participant in the marine food web comes in pursuit: sharks and rays, sturgeon and striped bass, seals and sea lions, gulls, pelicans and cormorants – all feast on the herring. Recreational fishers, often coming down on a rainy evening after work, throw circular, web-shaped cast nets from piers and jetties as they fill buckets and coolers, while just yards from shore the commercial fishers fill their boats.

#5    Fish mystery: Scientists still unsure what killed tens of thousands of herring,More info:nationalobserver


#4   New Norwegian firm derives omega-3s from herring roe,More info:nutraingredients-usa


#3    Herring: Lake Superior’s most important and underrated fish,More info:northernwilds


#2    Cod, haddock and herring predicted to leave warming Scottish waters,More info:ocean-partners


#1   3D Atlantic herring,More info:turbosquid

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