

newt is a salamander in the subfamily Pleurodelinae, also called eft during its terrestrial juvenile phase. Unlike other members of the family Salamandridae, newts are semiaquatic, alternating between aquatic and terrestrial habitats over the year, sometimes even staying in the water full-time. Not all aquatic salamanders are considered newts, however. More than 100 known species of newts are found in North America, Europe, North Africa and Asia. Newts metamorphose through three distinct developmental life stages: aquatic larva, terrestrial juvenile (eft), and adult. Adult newts have lizard-like bodies and return to the water every year to breed, otherwise living in humid, cover-rich land habitats,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like

#10    Emperor newt,More

A rough-skinned newt, the emperor newt has distinct bony ridges on top of its head and back and a row of warts running down each of its sides. Its body is round with a flat, broad-finned tail. The body is a dark brownish-black color with orange or yellow pigment on the head. Although color varies between individuals, the patterns of markings are relatively constant.

Males and females look very similar. In general, females can be distinguished from males by their larger, more robust size.

#9   Toxic Newt!,More info: Brave Wilderness


#8   Thousands of Southeast Asian newts being collected from the wild for pet trade,More info:mongabay

  • Large numbers of Southeast Asian newts are being collected from the wild and sold in the United States and the European Union to meet the demands of the international pet trade, a new study has found.
  • Most of these newts are being caught from the wild, the team note.
  • The trade in Southeast Asian newts is largely unregulated and unrecorded, researchers say, and these newts are being harvested in far greater numbers than what trade statistics suggest.

A little-known group of amphibians — the Southeast Asian newts — are in high demand as pets, a new study has found. Large numbers of these semi-aquatic salamanders are being collected from the wild and sold in the United States and the European Union, researchers say.

To understand the scale of trade in these animals, Jodi Rowley of the Australian Museum Research Institute and her colleagues scanned through shipment and import records, and found that more than 7,500 Southeast Asian newts were imported into the U.S. — usually via Hong Kong — between 2005 and 2014.

#7    Emperor newt,More info:nationalzoo


#6   Salamander and Newt,More info:animals.sandiegozoo

Is a newt a salamander? Yes, but a salamander is not always a newt. Confused? The word “salamander” is the name for an entire group, or scientific order, of amphibians that have tails as adults. This includes amphibians commonly known as newts and sirens. Most salamanders look like a cross between a lizard and a frog. They have moist, smooth skin like frogs and long tails like lizards. The term “newt” is sometimes used for salamanders that spend most of each year living on land. The name “siren” is generally given to salamanders that have lungs as well as gills and never develop beyond the larval stage. Other names salamanders go by include olm, axolotl, spring lizard, water dog, mud puppy, hellbender, triton, and Congo eel. Whew!

#5   Red-spotted Newt,More info:ontarionature


#4   Berkeley hills: Tilden Park road will close to protect amorous newts,More info:eastbaytimes


#3     Smooth Newt,More info:nhsn.ncl


#2   PALMATE NEWT,More info:findingnature


#1   Salamandridae,More info:wikipedia


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