

Parrots, also known as psittacines are birds of the roughly 393 species in 92 genera that make up the order Psittaciformes, found in most tropical and subtropical regions. The order is subdivided into three superfamilies: the Psittacoidea (“true” parrots), the Cacatuoidea (cockatoos), and the Strigopoidea (New Zealand parrots). Parrots have a generally pantropical distribution with several species inhabiting temperate regions in the Southern Hemisphere, as well. The greatest diversity of parrots is in South America and Australasia,More info:wiki

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#10   Parrots Among Most-Threatened Bird Groups,More info:audubon

Parrots have it all—sharp wit, rich (albeit sometimes naughty) vocabulary, and dramatic plumage…it’s no wonder they’ve made bird lovers swoon for centuries. Unfortunately, their celebrity status has made them a favorite in the wildlife trade, and it’s catching up to them. Poaching, along with rapid habitat loss from logging, agriculture, and urban sprawl, has put these rockstar birds on a turbulent path towards extinction.

A new study published in Biodiversity Conservation found that more than half of all parrot species are in precipitous decline, with 28 percent already listed as globally threatened. Their large size, nesting habits, and small pockets of distribution make parrots more vulnerable to human-caused impacts and, in turn, exposes them to a higher rate of extinction than similar bird groups, including seabirds and raptors.

#9     Caging Parrots Can Put You Behind Bars,More info:mumbailive


#8     Bird Identification: Common Blue Parrot Species,More info:thesprucepets

Although green is a dominant color in many parrots, you still can find several pet birds with beautiful blue feathers. Blue parrot species range from small to very large in size and come in powdery light blues to deep indigos. Some of these birds simply have flashy blue markings while others are predominantly blue. Here are eight blue parrot species you will often find as pet birds.

#7    Parrots,More info:pittwateranimalhospital

Some 340 parrot species belong to Order Psittaciformes, most of them from Australasia and Central and South America. In Australia we have dozens of native species, among them cockatoos, cockatiels and budgies, which, because of their individual popularity, we treat separately on this website. Some of this country’s other more popular parrots, along with lovebirds and Indian ringnecks, are covered a little further down.

Parrots are different from other birds, and we’re not just talking about their varied plumage, intelligence, longevity and temperament. Most birds have a hinged lower mandible (jaw) and a fixed upper mandible, but with parrots both mandibles are hinged. If you ever thought parrots look a trifle odd when they yawn, that’s why. And where most birds have three toes that point forward and one toe pointing astern, parrots have two forward-facing toes and two going the other way. In case you’re ever on ‘Jeopardy’, this foot formation is termed zygodactyl.

#6     10 Most Colorful Parrot Species,More info:thesprucepets

For many people, the first thing that draws them to bird ownership is a parrot’s colorful feathers. Whether you’re looking for a red, green, blue, or purple companion, birds offer plenty of variety. But brightly colored plumage isn’t the only trait a person should consider before adoption. These parrots are intelligent, social, active, and noisy animals that require a dedicated caretaker. If you’re ready for a feathered friend, here are eight of the most colorful parrot species.

#5   Woman gets life in prison for murder witnessed by parrot,More info:nypost


#4   WILSON PARROT FOUNDATION,More info:wilsonparrotfoundation


#3   Why Does My Parrot Scream?,More info:petfinder


#2        Scientific name of parrot,More info:howtodoright


#1     Red-capped Parrot,More info:birdsinbackyards


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