

Skunks are North and South American mammals in the family Mephitidae. While related to polecats and other members of the weasel family, the closest Old World relatives of skunks are the stink badgers.The animals are known for their ability to spray a liquid with a strong, unpleasant smell.Different species of skunk vary in appearance from black-and-white to brown, cream or ginger colored, but all have warning coloration,More info:wiki

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#10     Ice Age climate change played a bigger role in skunk genetics than geological barriers,More info:phys

Climate plays a key role in determining what animals can live where. And while human-induced climate change has been causing major problems for wildlife as of late, changes in the Earth’s climate have impacted evolution for millions of years—offering tantalizing clues into how to protect animals facing climate change today. In a new paper in Ecology and Evolution, scientists have delved into the effects of Ice Age climate change upon the evolution of tiny, hand-standing skunks.

#9      Misunderstood skunks are gentle, near-sighted animals with one infamous—and pungent—defense mechanism,More info:humanesociety

Skunks were once killed for their fur, but these days, they’re more commonly vulnerable to extermination or unnecessary (and often lethal) relocation by wildlife control operators. Skunks thrive in urban and suburban settings, but if they’re moved to unknown turf, they will struggle to survive and may leave vulnerable babies behind. Some wildlife control companies inject chemical solvents into skunks’ chests using a long pole syringe, causing a painful death. Learn how to deal with skunk problems.

Skunks avoid humans and display several warning behaviors before spraying. They are one of nature’s best gardeners, mainly eating grubs, insects and rodents. Leash dogs, heed warning behaviors like stomping and hissing and, if needed, choose humane wildlife control professionals to help address conflicts.

#8     Skunk (striped skunk, spotted skunk, polecat),More info:wildlifehelp

Skunks are house cat-sized mammals native to North America. There are several types of skunks. The striped skunk is the most common, found in nearly all of the continental United States and the southern half of Canada. It is mostly black with white on top of the head and neck and extending down the back, usually separating into two white stripes. Spotted skunks are the second most common, ranging from the southeastern U.S. to the northwestern Midwest and slightly west of the Mississippi River. Spotted skunks are smaller and black with white spots or short white streaks.

Skunks inhabit a variety of habitats including old fields, pastures, and woodland edges in rural and urban areas. They are nocturnal and become seasonally dormant in winter. They den in thick brush piles or woodchuck holes, and under decks and porches. Mating takes place during late February and early March, and an average of six blind and helpless young are born between late April and early June. About seven weeks later, the young begin to venture out with the female and are able to spray musk. Young skunks usually disperse during the fall of their first year.

#7     About Striped Skunks,More info:welcomewildlife

To most people, skunks are dumb, ill-tempered animals best known as stinky roadkill, and good riddance. That’s unfortunate, because you’ll find when you read all about striped skunks, they’re docile, non-aggressive, and perfectly happy to leave humans alone as they go quietly about their lives.

Striped Skunks, Mephitis mephitis, are the most common skunks in North America and range across southern Canada and the United States down to the northern border of Mexico. Their natural habitat is open areas or open areas bordered by forests, grasslands, and agricultural lands. So, it’s no surprise that urban yards present an enticing opportunity to them—lots of clipped grass dotted with islands and borders of shade trees and shrubs. And, it’s important to know that skunks play a beneficial role there as predators of pests, such as grubs, snails, and slugs, as well as beetles, wasps, ants, millipedes, centipedes, small snakes, mice, and rats, among others.

#6     Lansing man gets second chance with rare skunk,More info:freep

It was a large, nearly all-white furball that Ziarno thought might be a skunk, sans the distinctive Pepé Le Pew white stripes up a black body. He ruled out possum, woodchuck or raccoon. And it wasn’t a white cat. He wondered if it might be an escaped exotic animal.

Ziarno wanted to capture the moment so he grabbed his Nikon SLR digital camera.

What he got was dead batteries.

Ziarno, a retired planner with the Michigan Department of Transportation, is an outdoorsman who loves watching birds in his yard in the Northside neighborhood near the Turner-Dodge House on Grand River.

He was disappointed that he failed to capture the image. He called Potter Park Zoo and Ingham County Animal Control wondering if an exotic animal had escaped but found no reports.

#5     Why You Are Smelling Skunks This Week,More info:blog.nature

On my drive to work this morning, I caught an unpleasant whiff of striped skunk several times. For the past week, skunk musk has assaulted my nostrils with increasing regularity. Perhaps you’ve noticed the same thing.

No, there isn’t a sudden population explosion of skunks. It’s all tied to their behavior. There are indeed times of the year when you’re more likely to smell a skunk. Here’s why.

Striped skunks are solitary, nocturnal critters. Despite thriving alongside humanity, they generally stay out of sight and out of mind. Given their propensity for spraying musk when threatened, you might think – given the high population likely living near you – you’d smell them all the time. Skunks spray as a last resort, and their survival depends on them being somewhat secretive.

#4     Milking a Skunk and Lessons Learned,More info:iowaslam


#3     Caring for Pet Skunks,More info:thesprucepets

Pet skunks are the kind of pet where a little research will go a long way. Vaccines, diet recommendations, and behavior of skunks should all be researched before acquiring a pet skunk and finding a veterinarian who is familiar with skunks can be very difficult. In some states, pet skunks are even illegal to keep, but if you cover all your bases before trying to care for this exotic pet you will find yourself with a rewarding new friend, and some strange looks from your neighbors.

#2   SKUNK,More info:nationalgeographic


#1    Striped skunk,More info:nationalzoo


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