
Water buffalo

The water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) or domestic water buffalo is a large bovid originating in the Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia, and China. Today, it is also found in Europe, Australia, North America, South America and some Africancountries. The wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee) native to Southeast Asia is considered a different species, but most likely represents the ancestor of the domestic water buffalo,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like

#10     Bubalus bubalis Asian water buffalo bathes in muddy lake and dives under water surface. Wild animal close up portrait view in Yala National Park in Sri Lanka wildlife reserve and nature sanctuary,More info:videoblocks



#9      Ox Ranch is the most exciting Water Buffalo hunting ranch in Texas. We have over acres of Water Buffalo Hunting, Tank Driving & Shooting, Caving etc!,More info:pinterest


#8     Water Buffalo Hunting,More info:oxhuntingranch

Water Buffalo, also known as Asian Buffalo, are the largest and most powerful of the bovid family.  Often tipping the scales at over one ton, they are drastically larger than Africa’s famed Cape Buffalo.  Their horns can measure up to 10 feet tip to tip, making them a highly sought-after trophy!

At Ox Ranch, you may choose your hunting method, including Spot and Stalk, Rifle Hunting, Bow Hunting, Pistol Hunting, Safari Style, or From a Blind.  Our Asian Buffalo hunting is fair chase on over 18,000 acres of Texas Hill Country!

#7    Water Buffalo, the Bovine Behind Italy’s Most Famous Mozzarella,More info:culturecheesemag

Although the water buffalo (also known as the Asian buffalo) originated in Southeast Asia, it has made a name for itself in regard to Italian cheese. How, exactly, the animals got to Europe is unclear, but they’ve roamed Italy since at least the 15th century. Today, the population is sizable enough to allow large-scale production of mozzarella di bufala and smaller batches of modern cheeses.

Water buffalo are classified into two subspecies: river buffalo and swamp buffalo. River buffalo compose over 70 percent of the global water buffalo population, first popping up around 2500 B.C. in India and 1000 B.C. in Mesopotamia. They yield more milk than their swamp brethren; swamp buffalo are typically used to work the land rather than for dairying.

In North America, water buffalo are still fairly rare—the species wasn’t imported until the 1970s—with recent estimates placing US population at around eight thousand animals.

#6   Water Buffaloes,More info:worldanimalfoundation

ater buffalo, or Asian buffalo, are believed to have originated in Asia, but have been introduced to Africa, Australia, Europe and North America. Wild water buffalo inhabit tropical and subtropical forests. They live in swamps, grasslands, savannas, lowland floodplains, glades and mixed forests – never far from water.
Water buffalo spend much of their time submerged in muddy waters to keep cool and to remove parasites, flies and other pests. Water buffalo hooves are spread out to keep them from sinking into the mud. They are large members of the Bovidae family, the same family as wild cows, the American bison, the African buffalo, the zebu and the yak. The water buffalo is the second largest wild cattle species in the world.
Water buffaloes are black or white in color. They have large, distinctive, curved horns. Males have larger horns than females and are about a third larger than female water buffaloes. The horns of male water buffaloes are crescent-shaped with a ridge along the body of the horns.

#5   Water Buffalo,More info:elelur

The wild form of this species was the ancestor of this domestic animal, but it is now considered to be in danger of extinction.

These large animals were domesticated as long ago as 5000 BC in southern China, 3000 BC in the Indus valley and 2000 BC in other parts of the Middle East. There are now estimated to be around 150 M domestic water buffalo around the world. So useful are these beasts that they have been introduced into many new areas, including Australia, South America, southern Europe and Hawaii.

Domestic water buffalo are very docile, produce excellent milk and meat, and are strong and easily managed work animals. In some areas, they form an important part of agricultural economies and ecosystems by providing a reliable and easily maintained source of power and by conserving wallowing sites that harbour a wide diversity of animal and plant life.

#4     Cape Buffalo vs Water Buffalo: The Differences,More info:londolozi

Although both part of the larger family Bovidea and subfamily Bovinae, there exists a significant difference in genus and species in the taxonomic classification which sets these two animals distinctly apart.

Without getting into the often confusing and complex biological classification system, it’s important to note that there are in fact three subspecies of the African buffalo;  the Cape buffalo, Syncerus caffer, the Forest buffalo, Syncerus caffer nanus and the Sudanese buffalo, Syncerus caffer brachyceros, each of which has its own separate geographical distributions and physical characteristics. The Cape Buffalo is the one we see at Londolozi, and as such will be the one we focus on today.

#3     Doris is having her day in the dam,More info:queenslandcountrylife

A WATER buffalo named Doris has caused all sorts of concern at Coleyville, Scenic Rim.

Doris is the very large pet of Amanda and Glen Bolton, Birkwood, Coleyville, who purchased her as a “trial run”.

#2     Water Buffalo Facts: Animals Of Asia,More info:worldatlas


#1    Domestic Water Buffaloparody.fandom


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