

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha (along with the hare and the pika).Oryctolagus cuniculus includes the European rabbit species and its descendants, the world’s 305 breeds[1] of domestic rabbit. Sylvilagus includes 13 wild rabbit species, among them the 7 types of cottontail. The European rabbit, which has been introduced on every continent except Antarctica, is familiar throughout the world as a wild prey animal and as a domesticated form of livestock and pet. With its widespread effect on ecologies and cultures, the rabbit (or bunny) is, in many areas of the world, a part of daily life—as food, clothing, a companion, and as a source of artistic inspiration,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like

#10     Rabbit Awareness Week 17th – 25th June 2017,More info:dragon-vets

Rabbit Awareness Week (RAW) is a very important week for rabbits. The UK is a nation of self-confessed pet lovers, and awareness of rabbit welfare should be of great importance for rabbit owners, both current and future owners.

During rabbit awareness week, many veterinary practices including ourselves are offering free health clinics for local rabbits. This is the perfect opportunity for a rabbit which has never been to the vets before to get them health checked by an expert.

Many retailers, rescue centres and veterinary centres will be running fun and educational events to spread the word. Ensuring our little pet rabbit friends are kept happy and healthy.

This year we are raising awareness of Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease 2 (RVHD2). RVHD2 is a new variant of RVHD1 and is often fatal.

Lots of rabbits in the UK are not vaccinated against this deadly disease and are at risk. Therefore all rabbit owners should make sure that their rabbits are vaccinated against this and as well as other fatal diseases.


#9     Bunnies helped a great civilisation in ancient Mexico thrive,More info:newscientist

The trade in bunnies helped power an ancient economy. Teotihuacan, an ancient city in central Mexico, was an advanced metropolis where most people lived in apartment complexes. The city reached its peak between the first century and 550 AD. With about 100,000 residents, it was the largest urban area in the Americas at the time, of a similar scale and sophistication as other ancient centres like Alexandria and Rome.

But until now, it has been a mystery what kinds of animals supported this complex society. “One of the big puzzles for the pre-Colombian Americas has always been the lack of domesticated animals,” says David Carballo at Boston University.

Other than managing dogs and turkeys, Mesoamericans didn’t appear to have the close relationships with animals that sustained ancient peoples in Africa and Europe.

#8     The Pet Rabbit – 15 things you should know….,More info:vitalpethealth

Around the world rabbits are seen as the perfect pets. Lively characters with a playful nature can mean that they bring big personalities into a home. Combine an inquisitive and affectionate nature with the huge variety in breeds, colours and coat types. It is no wonder why there are an estimated 1 million pet rabbits in the UK making up the third most popular pet.

Rabbits are mammals which belong to the Lagomorph order that also includes Hares and Pikas (Lagomorph means ‘hare-shaped’). They are similar to rodents as they also have incisor teeth that continually grow. Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk, often napping during the day. They are herbivores (plant eating) and have high reproductive rates.

#7     Lizard Finds Rabbit Outside–Eats Rabbit,More info:Reptile Channel


#6     Deadly rabbit disease inches toward the San Juan Islands,More info:islandsweekly

Around the world rabbits are seen as the perfect pets. Lively characters with a playful nature can mean that they bring big personalities into a home. Combine an inquisitive and affectionate nature with the huge variety in breeds, colours and coat types. It is no wonder why there are an estimated 1 million pet rabbits in the UK making up the third most popular pet.

Rabbits are mammals which belong to the Lagomorph order that also includes Hares and Pikas (Lagomorph means ‘hare-shaped’). They are similar to rodents as they also have incisor teeth that continually grow. Rabbits are most active at dawn and dusk, often napping during the day. They are herbivores (plant eating) and have high reproductive rates.

#5     15 rabbit facts you probably didn’t know!,More info:bluecross


#4     A virus is taming Australia’s bunny menace, and giving endangered species new life,More info:sciencemag

For more than 150 years, Australia has been plagued by rabbits. First introduced by an English settler as hunting fodder in 1859, the European rabbit population soon ballooned to an estimated 10 billion, contributing to extensive environmental damage and the extinction of some native species. Over the past century, biologists tried—and largely failed—to stem the tide with fences, poisons, and pathogens.

Now, an accidental approach seems to be taming the invasion. Since scientists unintentionally released a deadly rabbit virus in 1995, it has wrought havoc on the bunnies—and allowed some endangered native mammals to recover, according to a new study in the journal Conservation Biology.

#3       Reducing the risk of overheating in rabbits,More info:thehealthypetclub


#2     What Do Baby Rabbits Eat?,More info:squeaksandnibbles


#1      The Odd, Tidy Story of Rabbit Domestication That Is Also Completely False,More info:smithsonianmag

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