
Sculpture | Art techniques materials

Sculpture is the branch of the visual arts that operates in three dimensions. It is one of the plastic arts. Durable sculptural processes originally used carving (the removal of material) and modelling (the addition of material, as clay), in stone, metal, ceramics, wood and other materials but, since Modernism, there has been an almost complete freedom of materials and process. A wide variety of materials may be worked by removal such as carving, assembled by welding or modelling, or molded or cast,More info:wiki

Below are photos and Images you may like

#10         Seamus Moran sculpture,More info:skullappreciationsociety


#9         Sculpture 3D model,More info:cgtrader


#8       Martin Eichinger’s narrative sculptures reflect mythic concepts, storytelling, emotion, and the human spirit,More info:eichingersculpture

Martin Eichinger’s narrative bronze sculptures reflect mythic concepts, storytelling, and romantic themes.

“My attention has shifted to a renewed interest in human emotions, contemporary mythic storytelling and particularly in the refinement of my skills, as much as I am able to capture that elusive quality called ‘beauty.’”

Figurative sculptures and dream-like narratives have been the expression of Martin Eichinger’s thoughts for over 30 years. There is, however, another thread that unites many of his creations. He is also fascinated with science and our relationships on a much larger, cultural, even cosmic scale.

#7       Pentagram Sculpture  ,More info:thebentnail603

The pentagram is magical in some cultures and very holy in others. Most recognize each point representing spirit, earth, air, fire & water,,,,, forming life. My horseshoe nail table top pentagram is a great size to have at your desk, besides your bed or even at your place of worship. Made with average size horseshoe nails, approximately 3″ – 3.5″ in diameter and connected together with lead free solder. Because of the handmade nature of this sculpture no two will be alike. This is one of my favorite pieces and I am always honored when someone purchases one.

#6       Has Leonardo Da Vinci’s ‘only surviving sculpture’ just been unveiled in Italy? ,More info:thenational

For centuries, rumours have circulated that Leonardo Da Vinci also created sculptures, but no three-dimensional works by the Italian artist, inventor and scientist has ever been identified. Until now, in the year of the 500th anniversary of his death.

This week, Italian curators have unveiled what they believe is the only surviving sculpture by Da Vinci at an exhibition in Florence, reports The Guardian.

Until July 14, 2019, you can see the small terracotta sculpture in all its glory, along with 120 paintings, sculptures and drawings that celebrate Da Vinci’s tutor, Andrea del Verrocchio, at an exhibition called Verrocchio: Master of Leonardo, at Palazzo Strozzi.

#5     Incredible Virtual Sculptures Show the Power of Public Art,More info:mymodernmet

Artist Ken Kelleher combines his training as a sculptor with his prowess in UX design to create hyperrealistic projections of public sculpture. Kelleher allows his imagination to run free, placing contemporary sculptures everywhere from Venice’s busy St. Mark’s Square to minimalist interiors. Working with different series, Kelleher churns out three-dimensional renderings that give potential clients a look at the artwork that could decorate any given environment.

Kelleher’s love affair with large-scale sculpture started when he was in art school, where he developed pieces up to 30 feet tall, causing the school to put a limit on the dimensions students could produce. In the virtual world, he’s able to experiment quickly and see how his artistic vision blends into any environment. The results are so effective that it’s often difficult to believe we’re not looking at fully realized, physical sculptures.

#4     Sculpture by the Sea 2018 in pictures,More info:timeout


#3     ‘Mother and Child’ sculpture finds permanent home in Mason City,More info:globegazette

Abronze sculpture portraying a mother comforting her child will remain a permanent fixture in downtown Mason City.

Karen Crain, a sculptor from  Littleton, Colorado, has decided to donate her sculpture, “Mother and Child,” on display as part of the 2018-2019 River City Sculptures on Parade.

“She’s really a significant artist and to have two pieces of her work on permanent display, we feel very appreciative,” said Robin Anderson, River City Sculptures on Parade Board president.

#2     Free-Standing Wood Sculpture “Coral Reef”,More info:custommade

Coral Reef is a free-standing wood sculpture that can be viewed from all angles. It was carved from Basswood, an American hardwood, and the edges stained to mimic the vibrant colors of underwater reefs. It rests on a stand of African Padauk with an inset piece of Arizona sandstone. Detailed “pierced” carvings comprising holes & fissures were made using a variety of rotary bits and burrs. This pattern provides a sense of growth like the colonization of millions of coral polyps that build natural reef structures.

#1       Five Stunning Works to Ogle at Sculpture by the Sea 2018,More info:concreteplayground


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